赛博童话-3D打印定制时装 Cyber Tale – 3D printing Haute Couture

-fabrication | - Hybrid workshop | -Chinese


Required Skills: 犀牛,Grasshopper基础操作, FDM3D打印基础操作 , Required software

Required Software: 犀牛 clo3D

Required Hardware: 工作营线下提供:FDM打印机与打印材料(届时南京附近的同学欢迎来到现场操作), 布料耗材
Maximum number of participating students: 100

增材制造为时尚设计提供了新的设计维度,3D打印技术的造型能力赋予时装设计更多的可能性。以往时尚设计者们制作的3D打印时装在日常生活中很难穿着,或者成本过于昂贵。随着技术的进步,打印效率与精度不断提高,数字化设计方法不断深化,柔性材料(TPU)制作的新型织物可以像布一样清洗和熨烫。服装业逐渐开始广泛地运用3D打印技术,这意味着“高端定制”或许可以服务于每个人。 本次工作营以赛博童话为设计主题,重点研究定制化的3D打印工艺,令织物与多种材料有效结合形成自成型等复杂机制,对3D打印织物的质感、性能、外观进行数字化调节,由定制化的工艺出发进行服装设计创新。工作营的目标包括:1.了解3D打印技术与时装设计的结合方式;2.设计并制作自己的3D打印时尚单品。 工作营线上线下同步,同学们来信请标明能否线下工作,线下具体信息后续公布,欢迎大家来南京东南大学共同度过美好一周~


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timezone: (GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein
Start timeEnd timeDescription
2022-06-27 - 09:002022-06-27 - 18:003D打印基础学习;打印材料与织物结合方式介绍
2022-06-28 - 09:002022-06-28 - 18:00服装设计基础(制版,拼接);clo3D软件与rhino协同工作流
2022-06-29 - 09:002022-06-29 - 18:00分组讨论-布料改造-打印实验
2022-06-30 - 09:002022-07-03 - 18:00赛博童话主题设计


Jules Wu 吴凌菊,毕业于哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院,现为东南大学建筑学院研究生(建筑运算与应用研究所),研究方向为增材制造与数字化设计,开展3D打印工艺与定制化织物的跨学科研究。 Jules Wu graduated from the School of Architecture at Harbin Institute of Technology. She is currently a master student of Southeast University. Based on the Institute of Architectural Algorithms & Applications, her research focuses on additive manufacturing and computational design, developing performative textile with customized 3D printing processes.
Hao Hua Hao Hua, Dr. sc. ETH, Associate Professor in Architecture at Southeast University, founder of Conway Automation Ltd, editor of Frontiers of Architectural Research. His research focuses on computational design and digital fabrication. He received Young CAADRIA Award and ALGODeQ Vanguard Prize. His javaKUKA.org project was exhibited in China International Robot Show 2018.

All workshops will accept 100 applications MAX.