
2023, Spanish
Volver a Workshops en Español EXPLORANDO LA STEREOTOMÍA DIGITAL: DISEÑO Y OPTIMIZACIÓN DE ESTRUCTURAS A COMPRESIÓN Instructores: Rodrigo Aguirre / Uri Lewis Fechas: 25, 26, 27 & 28 de Julio | 19:00 - 22:00 CEST, GMT +1 Temas: Diseño Computacional / Visualización y Simulación de Datos / Fabricación Digital Software: Rhino / Grasshopper (Nivel Intermedio) Número de Estudiantes: 60 Inscripción abierta hasta llenar cupo. Descripción: En este taller de diseño arquitectónico, exploraremos el fascinante mundo de la estereotomía digital y su aplicación en la arquitectura contemporánea. La estereotomía es el arte y la ciencia de cortar sólidos tridimensionales en formas específicas, y en este curso, nos sumergiremos en los fundamentos de esta disciplina y su relevancia en la actualidad. Nuestro objetivo principal es brindar a los participantes una comprensión profunda de los conceptos…
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2023, Spanish
Volver a Workshops en Español ALGORITMOS PARA EL DISEÑO CON BAMBÚ INSPIRADO EN LA NATURALEZA Instructores: Camila Calegari Marques / Mariana Díaz Leites / Daniel Panameño Corvera Fechas: 22 de Julio | 14:00 - 17:00 GMT-5 24, 26 & 28 de Julio | 18:00 - 21:00 GMT-5 29 de Julio | 14:00 - 17:00 GMT-5 Temas: Diseño Computacional / Biodiseño / Investigación Material / Representación Visual Software: Rhino / Grasshopper / Lumion Número de Estudiantes: 60 Inscripción abierta hasta llenar cupo. Descripción: El propósito de este taller es facilitar todo el proceso de diseño necesario para el diseño de estructuras con bambú, comenzando con la conceptualización de las formas, hasta la representación final y fabricación de un proyecto. Utilizando como base elementos encontrados en la naturaleza, se hará una abstracción…
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2023, Spanish
Volver a Workshops en Español COMPRENDIENDO LA CIUDAD A TRAVÉS DE LOS DATOS Instructores: Laura Guimarães / Ana Gallego / Jose Antonio Gras Fechas: 24 de Julio | 16:00 - 18:00 CEST 25 de Julio | 16:00 - 19:00 CEST 26 de Julio | 17:30 - 19:30 CEST 28 de Julio | 16:00 - 19:00 CEST Temas: Visualización y Simulación de Datos / Representación Visual Software: QGIS / Photoshop Número de Estudiantes: 60 Inscripción abierta hasta llenar cupo. Descripción: En la actualidad, en plena era del Big Data y las nuevas tecnologías, se ha vuelto imprescindible aprovechar las herramientas disponibles para analizar de manera exhaustiva las ciudades. Esto es fundamental para comprender con precisión los problemas urbanos y tener en cuenta la dinámica que los rodea. En base a este…
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2023, Spanish
Volver a Workshops en Español ORNAMENTALES Instructores: Santiago Miret / Federico Garrido Fechas: 22, 25, 27, & 29 de Julio | 16:00 - 19:00 EST Temas: Diseño Computacional / Diseño Especulativo / Representación Visual Software: Rhino / Blender Número de Estudiantes: 60 Inscripción abierta hasta llenar cupo. Descripción: Históricamente, la Arquitectura se ha debatido entre el ornamento y la estructuración de la forma. "Ornamentales" propone una reconciliación entre estas dos figuras aparentemente antagónicas. Se propone una aproximación organizativa al ornamento, al tiempo que se exploran los alcances ornamentales de la organización. Los elementos de la Arquitectura resultan el campo de estudio central de la investigación, desde los cuales se procura la construcción de modelos donde estructura portante y forma se integran en una totalidad que lleva embebida la ornamentación. Con un trabajo…
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Bilim Kurgudan Tasarım Kurguya Geleceğin Mekanlarını WebXR Teknolojileri ile Düşünmek

2023, Turkish
Türkçe Atölyelere Dön Bilim Kurgudan Tasarım Kurguya Geleceğin Mekanlarını WebXR Teknolojileri ile Düşünmek Eğitmenler: Begüm Moralıoğlu & Leman Figen Gül Atölyenin Düzenleyeceği Günler: 22 Temmuz, 23 Temmuz, 24 Temmuz, 25 Temmuz, 26 Temmuz Temalar: AR/VR, Hesaplamalı Tasarım, Tasarım Kurguları Katılımcı Önkoşulları: Bilim kurgu alanına ilgi zorunlu olmamakla birlikte tavsiye edilmektedir. Herhangi bir üç boyutlu modelleme programını temel düzeyde kullanabiliyor olmak yeterlidir. Öğrenci Kontenjanı: 60 Atölye kayıtları kontenjan dolana kadar açıktır. Atölye Açıklaması: Bu atölye katılımcıları, tasarım, spekülatif tasarım ve WebXR teknolojilerinin kesişim noktalarını araştırmaya davet etmektedir. Genişletilmiş Gerçekliğin (Extended Reality - XR) sürekli değişen dünyasının web'e kaymasıyla atölyemiz, herhangi bir ek yazılım kullanmadan geleceğin alanlarının kavramsallaştırılmasına ve yaratılmasına olanak tanır. Atölyemizin ana hedefleri aşağıdaki gibidir: - WebXR teknolojilerinin mimari tasarım ve tasarım kurgusunda kullanımının araştırılması. - Katılımcılara, WebXR kullanarak geleceğin…
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Synthetic Architecture

2023, English, Turkish
Return to English Workshops Synthetic Architecture: AI-Generated Design Explorations Instructor: Emel Cantürk Akyıldız Language: English and Turkish Dates: July 22, July 23, July 24, July 25 Themes: AI Software: Midjourney / Stable Diffusion / ControlNet  Number of Students: 60 Workshop is full please watch our live stream and recordings during the event. Description: This workshop mainly focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence and architecture, and covers exploring the creative potential of generative AI models to drive architectural design explorations. Throughout the workshop, participants will be introduced to a range of advanced generative diffusion models including Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Runway ML, DALL-E, etc., and design workflows that incorporate these generative models. They will gain a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and applications of these models specifically in the context of…
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Bio-Integrated Modular

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Bio-Integrated Modular Free Form Structures Intelligent Design Instructors: Selda Pourali / Ahmed Sattar / Behnaz Khaksar / Mentor: Mahdi Fard Dates: 24 to 28 of July (15:30  GMT -18:30 GMT) + Final Presentations Themes: Bio-Design / Computational Design / Performative Design Prerequisite: Grasshopper and algorithmic thinking, Knowing Python is a Plus! Required Software: Rhinoceros 6/7, Karamba (educational), Nuclei 2.0, GhPython, Python 3.0, Anaconda 3.0. Required Hardware: Laptop/PC. Number of Students: 60 Workshop full please watch live stream Description: Optimizing the construction process of free-form structures can be achieved by considering them as modular forms comprised of "discrete elements." Discrete elements refer to individual components or units that together form a larger structure or system. These distinct entities interact with each other through various connections, offering opportunities…
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Beyond static

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Beyond Static - Exploring Machine Learning for adaptive geometries in expandable structures Instructors: Hesham Shawqy / Esther Rubio Madronal Dates: July 24, July 25, July 26 Themes: AI / Geometry /Structures Software: Rhino / Grasshopper Number of Students: 30 Workshop registration open until filled Description: Beyond Static is a workshop that utilises machine learning to explore the relationship between geometry, modular networks, and motion. Focusing on adaptive geometries, this workshop delves into the realm of dynamic, responsive, and kinetic structures. We will explore how modularity can enhance the flexibility, scalability, and adaptability of the system. Participants will learn how to harness modular design principles to create expandable and reconfigurable systems, enabling structures to respond to changing needs and environments. We will begin by defining how a…
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Creative Coding

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Creative Coding for Absolute Beginners Instructors: Jack B. Du Dates: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 July (2:00 - 4:00 UTC +8 CST) Themes: Interactive Design / Computational Design Software: Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome (or any other web browser), p5.js Web Editor: Prerequisites: Basic arithmetic knowledge required. Prior coding knowledge is helpful but not required. Number of Students: 60 Workshop is full please refer to live stream during and after the workshops Description: Creative coding is a practice where programming is used as a tool for art or design. Sketching is traditionally done with pencil and paper. Now, with the help of software tools such as Processing, p5.js, and openFrameworks, sketching with code has become more accessible than ever. Whether you are an artist, designer,…
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VisualArq: Interatividade em projetos de habitação de interesse social

2023, Portuguese
Voltar para os Workshops em Português VisualArq: Interatividade em projetos de habitação de interesse social Intrutores: Gilfranco Alves (UFMS) e Ana Caroline Santana (UFMS), Natacha Figueiredo Miranda (UFMS) Datas: 25 Julho - Noite, 26 Julho - Noite, 27 Julho - Noite (GMT -3:00) Temas: BIM no Grasshopper Habilidades desejadas: Conhecimento básico de Rhino e BIM Software: Rhinoceros 3D, Plugin VisualArq e Plugin Grasshopper Hardware Necessários: Notebook/Computador mínimo: core i5, 8gb de ram e placa de vídeo dedicada Numero de Alunos: 30 Abertas inscrições até o preenchimento Youtube Link Descrição: Este workshop foi desenvolvido com base na pesquisa de mestrado em desenvolvimento  dentro do programa PPGEES da UFMS e do grupo de pesquisa Algoritmo. O mesmo busca investigar as possibilidades da customização em massa de elementos arquitetônicos em projeto de habitação…
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