Design your own Metaverse

Instructors: Preyan Mehta

Dates: 24 July – 28 July / 08:30 – 10:30 EST

Themes: AI and Metaverse

Software: Vectary / Spatial.IO / Bezi / Sketchfab / Playground AI / Leonardo AI / ChatGPT / Hugging Chat / Canva / Luma AI / Tripo 3D / Google Collab (There are 2 variants- One for Architects and Another for Educators. Kindly select that as well as that will help me tailor content for you)

Number of Students: 60

Workshop registration open until filled


In this course, designers and educators will learn how to take a simple sketch and convert it into a Functional Virtual Experience within Metaverse. The course expands their perspectives regarding the concept of Metaverse, tools required to create it, and how to create the first draft within 01 hour. It’ll focus on the concepts of 3D modelling, Kit Bashing and Generative AI 3D creation. Learners will use the following tools (Basics will be taught within the workshop).

Detailed Schedule :

Day 1: 07/24 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST

  • Welcome to the Workshop
  • Overview of the Workshop
  • Capstone Project Introduction
  • Description of the final project 
  • Learning objectives 
  • Deliverable

Day 2: 07/25 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST

  • Understanding Metaverse 
  • Definition of Metaverse 
  • Layers within Metaverse
  • Social layer
  • Platform layer 
  • Financial & economic layer 
  • Content layer
  • Legal & Governance layer
  • Evolution of Metaverse 
  • Popular Metaverse examples

Day 3: 07/26 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST

  • Idea Generation and Moodboards
  • Developing inspiration boards using AI tools – ChatGPT, Leonardo AI, Playground AI, Canva

Day 4: 07/27 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST

  • Asset Creation for Metaverse
  • Power of Web Based tools
  • Vectary Overview
  • Google Collab Overview
  • Building assets for Metaverse
    • Navigating Vectary
    • 3D Modelling
    • Texturing and lighting
    • Exporting from Vectary
  • Crafting compelling environments
  • Composition and storytelling
  • Establishing atmosphere and ambiance
    • Sound effects and music integration
    • Lighting and color schemes
  • Preparing files for Metaverse platforms
    • Formats and optimization tips
  • Making assets Metaverse ready
    • Navigating Google Collab
    • Converting OBJ to GLB

Day 5: 07/28 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST

  • Publishing to Metaverse
  • Difference between Publishing for VR and AR
  • Introduction to Spatial IO and Bezi 
  • Navigating the tools – Importing Assets
  • Logic building 
  • Publishing to Metaverse
  • Final Submission guidelines and discussions for Capstone Project

Day 6: 07/29 | 08:30 – 10:30 EST (BONUS! )

  • Presentations of the Submissions
  • Additional resources for continued learning
  • Q&As, and What is next?

Learning Objectives:

1. Demystify the concept of Metaverse 

2. Conceptualize, Design and Launch first Metaverse Experience within 01 hour 

3. Leverage AI to increase the efficiency of design process by 5x

Preyan Mehta:

Preyan is an Architect turned Creative Generalist. He has mentored 1000+ curious minds and has a decade of experience in Design, Education and Entrepreneurship. He has published 5+ research papers, 1 book, and have taken more than 20+ workshops so far.