How to Confirm Workshops
1. Check your applications in the Submitted applications page in “my user panel”

2. Wait for all your results to be in by 17 June
3. Check your submitted applications

4. check your status

5. You can only attend ONE workshop
6. Confirm Attendance to the workshop you will attend

7. Your status will change to Attending. this is what your page will look like. if you have errors please see the bottom of this page to trouble shoot.

8. If your had selected this by mistake you can one time change your selection by declining your attendance.

9. Make all confirmations of attendance by 23 June.
11. Your instructor will contact you with zoom links and other necessary information. Before the workshop begin on 26 June.
12. Please check messages portal on the website as well as your email. for updates and information.
1. If you are facing issues such as missing previously ‘Attending’ / Confirmed workshops or wrong Attending workshops in your student portal
Please clear the cache information in the browser history and log in again. The workshop you Confirmed Attendance for will show as ‘Attending’
2. Second Round of Applications and selection will happen between 20-23 June (23:59 hrs all time zone). Please note this round of Applications is for the students who have not applied to 5 workshops in Round One. Other students who already have applied to all 5 workshops will not be able to apply to more and must wait for waitlist results.
3. Confirm the workshops as soon as you get accepted. DO NOT wait to hear back from waitlist workshops. This will reduce your chances of attending any of the 5 workshops.
4. If you have not been able to apply or are not accepted into any workshops Auditing through Live – streaming will be done for many of the workshops. Please check the website for live streaming links
5. please email us if you have any further issues or questions.