Maximum number of participating students: 100
借助工作营灵活的组织形式,现拟招募有共同兴趣的 “研究合作者 “组成一个考查小组,在具体操作层面对中国数字建筑学的起源进行记录、归档、绘制和再现,进而在反思数字化和全球化之间的天然关系。
工作营的四个子话题是:数字化建筑的早期构想;数字化理念和概念的涌现;”新 “建筑–实践中的数字化;学院中的实验。
timezone: (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong KongStart time | End time | Description |
2022-06-26 - 13:30 | 2022-06-26 - 16:30 | 导论 |
2022-06-27 - 13:30 | 2022-06-27 - 16:30 | 数字化建筑的早期构想 |
2022-06-28 - 13:30 | 2022-06-28 - 16:30 | 数字化理念和概念的涌现 |
2022-06-29 - 13:30 | 2022-06-29 - 16:30 | |
2022-06-30 - 13:30 | 2022-06-30 - 16:30 | 学院中的实验 |
2022-07-01 - 13:30 | 2022-07-01 - 16:30 | 观念可视化图解表达 |
2022-07-02 - 13:30 | 2022-07-02 - 16:30 | 终期讨论 |
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xingwei Xiang | 项星玮,浙江大学建筑学博士,浙江大学机械工程学院博士后。主要研究领域为智能建造、数字化建筑设计教学。曾实地调研包括“老八校”在内的国内16所高校的数字化建筑设计教学情况;作为嘉宾参与天津大学等高校的数字化建筑设计课程评图;担任《Buildings》(JCR二区)等4本SCI杂志审稿人以及《Heritage》杂志审稿人;作为主要成员参与中国工程院的智能建造、地下空间等方面的战略研究,包括高端智库重点课题、学部重点课题以及院士的相关课题等。 |
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Chao Yan | Chao Yan is an assistant professor at Tongji University, China. Previously he was a visiting lecturer at China Academy of Art, where he has taught design studio and theory courses from 2014 to 2018, a postdoctoral researcher at Tongji University from 2019 to 2021, and a visiting scholar at University of Virginia in 2019. His work focuses on the intersection between the history/theory of technology and contemporary digital design/construction experiments. And he has conducted researches on aggregation design methodology, history/theory of embodied construction, history of architectural technology after 1960s, etc. His current research is about inflatable architecture, animated environment and embodied aggregation. |
All workshops will accept 100 applications MAX.