Programmings for digital fabrication in architecture with COMPAS

-advanced computation,-computational design,-fabrication,-robotic fabrication | - online workshop | -Japanese


Required Skills: basic understanding of Python

Required Software: Anaconda, Docker Desktop, VScode, Rhinoceros, grasshopper

Required Hardware: pc/laptop with softwares above installed (mac/win)
Maximum number of participating students: 100

This is a hands-on style workshop to introduce basics of COMPAS, a python framework developed at ETH Zurich aiming to construct continuous workflow from computatoinal design to robotic fabrication. Depending on the procedure of WS, the host will introduce fundamentals of COMPAS FAB: a robotic fabrication package providing interface to ROS. This allows us to simulate robotic motions in Rhinoceros and Grasshopper without actual robot. At the end of this workshop, participants will learn the principle of COMPAS and its application to robotic fabrication. スイス連邦工科大を中心に開発中のパイソンフレームワーク、”COMPAS”の入門ワークショップ。”COMPAS”の基礎から始まり、進捗に応じて拡張機能の一つ、”COMPAS FAB”の紹介も予定。RhinocerosやGrasshopper上でロボットアームのシミュレーションが可能になります。急速な広がりを見せる”COMPAS”をベースに、コンピューテーショナルデザインからロボッティクファブリケーションまでをカバーする入門ワークショップ。

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timezone: (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk
Start timeEnd timeDescription
2022-06-28 - 10:002022-06-28 - 17:00Introduction to the course and COMPAS. (on-demand help 3pm - 5pm)
2022-06-29 - 10:002022-06-29 - 17:00Introduction to COMPAS FAB and excercises. (from robotic fundamentals to path planning) (on-demand help 3pm - 5pm)
2022-06-30 - 10:002022-05-31 - 16:00Continuation of excercises with on-demad help. Final review and recap. (Final Review 3pm - 4pm)


Ko Tsuruta Ko Tsuruta is an architectural designer focused on a material aware fabrication with a concept of "Form Follows Availability". He has taught as a tutor at Gramazio Kohler Research (GKR) in ETH Zurich, and as a teaching assistant at Tokyo University of the Arts. He is co-founder of KOMON, a design-research studio focused on practice with machine intelligence with AI, robotics, and 3d scanning. His work has been awarded at competitions, including the 2019 SD-Review, BVLGARI MECENATE, the 2019 Commite Colbert Award. His master thesis at MAS DFAB in 2021 in collaboration with Simon Griffioen(a researcher at digital building technologies) was accepted at the 2021 IROS workshop, Robotic Fabrication: Sensing in Additive Construction. Ko holds a Bachelor of Fine Art in Architecture(2018) and is fi

All workshops will accept 100 applications MAX.