Captura de movimento em modelos de form-finding

2023, Portuguese
Voltar para os Workshops em Português Captura de movimento em modelos de form-finding Intrutores: David Afonso - Faculdade de Arquitetura, Universidade de Lisboa Datas: 27 Julho - Noite, 28 Julho - Noite, 29 Julho - Noite (GMT+1 / Portugal) 27 Julho - Tarde, 28 Julho - Tarde, 29 Julho - Tarde (GMT-3 / BRT) Temas: Form-finding Software: Rhinocerus, Grasshopper, Horse plugin Numero de Alunos: 30 Abertas inscrições até o preenchimento Youtube Link Descrição: Este workshop apresenta uma metodologia de projeto e análise estrutural que envolve um continuum entre a criação de modelos estruturais físicos e a sua transposição, modelação e análise no ambiente digital.A metodologia inicia-se através da conceção de estruturas com o Polifuniculador, instrumento de form-finding que permite gerar modelos funiculares. Durante a modelação, os esforços internos são apreendidos…
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CNC aplicada ao design e arquitetura

2023, Portuguese
Voltar para os Workshops em Português CNC aplicada ao design e arquitetura Intrutores: Affonso Orciuoli - Universitat Internacional de Catalunya + Mauricio Matias RBFD Datas: 22 Julho - Manhã, 24 Julho - Manhã, 26 Julho - Manhã (BRT) Temas: Fabricação digital subtrativa Software: CNC, RhinoCAM, Rhino, Grasshopper, Gcode. Requerimentos: Importante que os participantes tenham noções básica do Rhino. Numero de Alunos: 30 Abertas inscrições até o preenchimento Youtube Link Descrição: A fabricação digital vem ganhando cada vez mais protagonismo na arquitetura e construção. Este workshop pretende mostrar os princípios básicos da programação de fresadoras / routers, desde um ponto de vista prático. Serão abordadas técnicas de usinagem tanto em 2 ½ eixos até 3d. Veremos técnicas de otimização da programação, mediante o programa RhinoCAM. De maneira intuitiva os participantes entenderão…
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Artefatos Corporais Algorítmicos – Minimal Surfaces

2023, Portuguese
Voltar para os Workshops em Português Artefatos Corportais Algorítmicos - Minimal Surfaces Intrutores: Mateus Sartori - UFRGS,UPC, IAAC e PUC-Minas. Marina Brant - Escola da Cidade, UPC, Xylotek. Camila Calegari Marques - Mackenzie, UPC, AAVSSP, Jaime Peña Studio. Henrique Lattes Borçato - PUC Campinas, AAVSSP, Belas Artes SP, UNYLEYA. Datas: 22 Julho - Manhã, 23 Julho - Manha, 25 Julho - Noite, 27 Julho - Noite, 29 Julho - Manhã (BRT) Temas: Design Paramétrico e Fabricação Digital Software: Rhinoceros 3D Versão 6 ou superior e Grasshopper e plugins. É recomendável ter um segundo monitor. Numero de Alunos: 30 Abertas inscrições até o preenchimento Youtube Link Descrição: Artefatos Corporais Algorítmicos são acessórios, apetrechos e objetos que adornam e complementam o corpo. Trata-se de infinitas possibilidades de extensões da identidade de cada…
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Governança de dados: processo paramétrico para caminhabilidade

2023, Portuguese
Voltar para os Workshops em Português Governança de dados: processo paramétrico para caminhabilidade Intrutores: Marina Borges (PUC Minas), Diego Gorges (IEC PUC Minas), Lucas Karantino (PUC Minas) e Ana Paula Portugal (PUC Minas) Datas: 24 Julho Manha, 25 Julho Manha, 26 Julho Manha, 27 Julho Manha, (BRT) Temas: Processo paramétrico para análise e avaliação de critérios de caminhabilidade. Software: QGis, Rhinoceros 7, Grasshopper, Urbano Numero de Alunos: 30 Abertas inscrições até o preenchimento Youtube Link Descrição: A governança é um elemento fundamental no contexto do planejamento urbano, pois envolve os processos de tomada de decisões, implementação e gestão das políticas e ações relacionadas ao desenvolvimento e ordenamento das áreas urbanas. Ela abrange a necessidade de estabelecer estruturas, mecanismos e diretrizes que facilitem a coordenação e colaboração entre esses atores, promovendo…
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Initiative 99

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Initiative 99: Design of a 3D-Printed Affordable Housing Prototype Instructors: Melodie Yashar / Boer Deng / Can Cakmak / Yoana Taseva Dates: July 24, July 25, July 26, July 27, July 28 Themes: Computational Design, Housing, 3D-printing Software: Rhino, Grasshopper. Revit, Enscape or equivalent rendering tools recommended. Number of Students: 60 Workshop is full please refer to live stream during and after the workshops Description: The vision of a home with construction costs under $99,000 has inspired and motivated city planners, developers, government officials, and non-profit organizations for decades. And yet clear barriers exist to realizing truly affordable housing prototypes at-scale within communities that need them most. The current approach to homebuilding is simply not working. At ICON, our belief is that architecture, design, robotics, and…
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Latent Object? 404 gLITCH!

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Latent Object? 404 gLITCH! Instructors: Peggy Yu / Han Tu / Tom Chan Dates: July 22- 26 / EST 10 am - 2pm, GMT 3pm - 7pm Themes: Artificial Intelligence / AR/VR / Design Fiction  Required Software:  Blender, Rhino, After Effects, 3D modelling software or iPhone 12/13/14pro (for scanning), Polycam, Camera, Metashape ( optional) Total Hours of the workshop: 20 hours Number of Students: 60 This workshop is full please refer to the live-stream or other available workshops. Description: How can we turn objects into architecture, using AI Image generator to inspire our design process? How can we turn 2D images into 3D space and then a 4D animation? We will teach you how to use open-sourced AI generators such as stable diffusion UI. We will…
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Speculations on Posthuman Architecture

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Speculations on Posthuman Architecture: Virtual Ecologies & Non-Human Presence Instructors: İpek Kuran / Kaan Karabağlı Dates: July 25, July 26, July 27, July 28, July 29 Themes: AI / Unreal Engine Software: Midjourney / ChatGPT / Runway /Unreal Engine and Rhino/ Maya Number of Students: 60 Workshop full please watch live stream Description: Posthuman architecture is a novel approach to architectural design that recognizes the ever-evolvingnature of technology, culture, and the environment, and acknowledges the significant influence ofnon-human entities in shaping these aspects. It aims to develop spaces that are responsive andadaptable to the dynamic technological and environmental landscape. On the other hand, virtualecologies encompass the interconnected digital environments that are gaining increasing importancein our social and physical realms. These virtual ecologies are characterized by their…
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Procedural Architectural Design

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Procedural Architectural Design: for the immersive, multi-player internet Instructors: Jennifer Durand / Keerti Maney / Sergio Mutis Dates: July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 Themes: computational design / digital spatial environments Software: Autodesk Maya / Unreal Engine Number of Students: 25 This workshop is full. Please see the YouTube link during the workshop to follow recordings. Description: In an increasingly digitally native society, it is architects, not graphic designers or gaming engineers, who should lead the design exploration of our digital spatial environments (Schumacher, 2022). Within this context, the last decade has seen a renewed and increased interest in the immersive spatial web, featuring procedurally aggregated cyberspaces that enhance gaming performance and scalability (Louth et al,2022). However, the spatial implications of these procedures…
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Regenerative Design and Optimization

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Regenerative Design and Optimization Instructors: Iman SheikhAnsari / Shaghayegh Honarvar Dates: 22 July - 24 July / 12:00 - 18:00 GMT (8:00 - 14:00 EST) Themes: Computational Design / Material Studies / Performative Design Software: Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper 3D, Ladybug Tools Number of Students: 60 Workshop is full please refer to live stream during and after the workshops Description: This workshop introduces the concept and principles of regenerative design and optimization in architecture and how they can create buildings that restore and replenish the resources they use and enhance the resilience and well-being of their occupants. Regenerative design is a practice that engages the natural world as the medium for and generator of architecture, creating structures that are integrated with their ecosystem. Optimization is a process that seeks…
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Performative Biopolymer Design

2023, English
Return to English Workshops Performative Biopolymer Design: Working Digitally with Plant-based Biogels Instructors: Garrett Sutherlin Santo / Paul Sutherlin Santo / Andrew DePew Dates: July 22, July 23, July 26, July 29 (10:00 – 13:00 PST) Themes: Bio Design / Fabrication / Material Studies Software: Rhino / Grasshopper Number of Students: 60 Workshop is full please refer to live stream during and after the workshops Description: The integration of biological processes in design, both as natural and synthetic technologies, are rapidly dissolving long-held distinctions between the sciences, arts, and engineering while facilitating the evolution of more complex relationships between our built and natural worlds. As more bio-based methods of make filter into the digital workflows that support creative industry, designers are afforded incredible opportunity to explore the complex performance and…
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